Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Evolution Counter-Arguments Debunked

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection - The 'Best' Counter-Arguments DEBUNKED.

Denmark parliament approves equal adoption rights

A majority vote in parliament yesterday will see the introduction of a bill giving equal adoption rights for civil partners and straight married couples in Denmark.

The Copenhagen Post reports that the proposal, from Civil Centre Party founder Simon Emil Ammitzbøll, grants partners registered in civil unions the right to adopt unrelated children both domestically and internationally.

Currently, gays and lesbians can adopt individually in the country and couples can adopt their partner's existing children. The bill will grant same-sex couples the right to adopt jointly, in line with straight married couples.

Other Nordic countries such as Iceland, Norway and Sweden already allow same-sex couples to adopt jointly.

According to figures from 2007, 103 out of 712 step-child adoptions were from couples in civil partnerships.

Most adoptions involving unrelated children tend to take place abroad, making it difficult for Danish same-sex couples to do so, as many countries will not allow homosexual adoption.

Creationism: Still Crazy After All These Years

Eugenie Scott's presentation at the AAI 2009 Convention in Burbank, California. Scott is the head of the National Center for Science Education, which works to protect the teaching of Evolution in American schools.

Academic freedom is not a license for uncontrolled expression at variance with established and proven curricular content.

What is Science?

This is fantastic video.

Videos of Philosopher AC Grayling

Philosopher and author AC Grayling on thinking critically and being a well-informed citizen of the world.

Teach the Controversy

The Unconsidered Life

The Big Ban: An Explosion OF Space, Not IN Space

Ever wondered how it all began or what happened at the beginning of the universe? Read this entry on the Every Joe website:

I think the thing that trips up most people when they think about the Big Bang, is thinking about it in terms of an explosion, like a supernova or a nuclear bomb. This leads to some typical inaccurate assumptions.

Since the Big Bang, the universe has expanded from a central point.

The universe must be expanding into something, what?

There was a time BEFORE the Big Bang.

These assumptions come from thinking about the Big Bang as a typical explosion, one originating from a single point and spewing matter out concentrically from there.

That’s not what the Big Bang was.

The Big Bang was not an explosion of matter into space, rather it was an explosion of space ITSELF, and since space and time are interconnected, we really have to say it was an explosion of space AND time, or space-time.

So, the Big Bang wasn’t an explosion of stuff like atoms or molecules, it was an explosion of a place and instance, it was the creation of when and where.

Before the Big Bang there was simply nothing, there was no ‘where’ nor was there a ‘when’. It doesn’t even make sense to say ‘before the Big Bang’.

Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy"

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Conservative Policy Maker Philippa Stroud Claims Homosexuality is Work of Demons

A key member of David Cameron’s UK Conservative Party has come under scrutiny for claiming homosexuality is the work of "demons" and can be "cured" by the power of prayer and exorcism.

Philippa Stroud, currently odds-on to win the seat for Sutton and Cheam, is also the head of the influential Conservative think-tank the Centre for Social Justice. The CSJ is responsible for shaping many of the Conservative Party’s social policies.

A girl who attended Stroud’s church has claimed that Stroud held a session which ended in followers praying over her and "calling out the demons." The girl also claimed Stroud said, "I was wrong and the so-called demons inside me were wrong."