Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bonobos have a secret

In the 1920s Robert Yerkes acquired an unusual ape that he named Prince Chim. Chim was more intelligent, fun-loving, cooperative, emotionally positive and full of life than his chimpanzee companion, Panzee. Chim's vocal behaviour was so prolific and reminiscent of language that Yerkes transcribed it using musical notation. Yerkes had discovered the bonobo.

In the 80s and 90s researchers conducted a study comparing a chimp and a bonobo. The aim was to determine if Yerkes's observations were accurate and if either animal, or both, could learn a human language through cultural immersion rather than instruction. The answer for both apes was yes.

Vanessa Woods writes engagingly of her husband, primatologist Brian Hare, struggling to tackle these questions again. Seemingly ignorant of the earlier work, in 2005 Hare embarked on a mission to find out what differentiates bonobos from chimps. With the Democratic Republic of Congo still mired in the aftermath of war, he travelled to the Lola Ya sanctuary in Kinshasa to study bonobos.

Hare found that bonobos do all kinds of things that chimps are not reported to do: they experience constant genital arousal, become attached to individual humans, think up new ways to engage in sexual, altruistic or cooperative behaviour on an essentially non-stop basis, and they die of broken hearts. In short they are a lot like people, even uncomfortably so - a fact that, ironically, has caused many scientists to ignore them.

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Study examines scientists' 'climate credibility'

Some 98% of climate scientists that publish research on the subject support the view that human activities are warming the planet, a study suggests.

It added there was little disagreement among the most experienced scientists.

But climate sceptics questioned the findings, saying that publication in scientific journals was not a fair test of expertise.

The findings have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study's authors said they found "immense" differences in both the expertise and scientific prominence of those who supported the "primary tenets" of latest assessments made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and those who were sceptical of the IPCC's findings.

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