Thursday, July 8, 2010

BBC: Humans' early arrival in Britain

Researchers have discovered stone tools in Norfolk, UK, that suggest that early humans arrived in Britain nearly a million years ago - or even earlier.

The find, published in the journal Nature, pushes back the arrival of the first humans in what is now the UK by several hundred thousand years.

Environmental data suggests that temperatures were relatively cool.

This raises the possibility that these early Britons may have been among the first humans to use fire to keep warm.

They may also have been some of the earliest humans to wear fur clothing.

Read the Article

Carl Sagan: A Universe Not Made For Us

Excerpts from Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space. More specifically, from the chapter titled A Universe Not Made For Us.

A Conversation Between Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking

A clip from the Channel 4 documentary Genius of Britain Episode 5. Last aired June 3, 2010 and still available on 4oD