Monday, April 26, 2010

Church scandal’s Next Wave: Abused girls

Can we please disband this collection of stone-age imbeciles? Has all compassion been lost in the Catholic Church.

"Father Charlie told the girl with the cascading brown curls and frilly frocks that she was pretty. Special. One of his favourites.

In the small Ontario town of Pain Court, a French-Canadian community near Chatham, Father Charlie’s attention was prized by devout Roman Catholic families like Cecilia McLauchlin’s. His interest in their daughter meant the popular priest, once described as “next to God,” publicly approved of how she was being raised.

So when a gynecologist examined the girl for recurring vaginal infections, it didn’t occur to anyone that Father Charlie was the cause of her physical pain.

Cecilia McLauchlin was only 5 years old."

Now I'm not perfect, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend myself as a people turn to me everytime they have a moral dilemma but why people continually turn to "the church" for guidance is beyond me.

"Now 32, the Chatham woman is the youngest known victim of Father Charles Sylvestre, the smooth-talking priest who groomed his young prey with candies, trinkets and praise. He was convicted in 2006 of sexually assaulting 47 girls over four decades in southwestern Ontario — despite abuse complaints from victims to police, school and church officials during that time."

Can someone tell me why this continues to happen?

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