Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is it Right to Ban the Burka?

A firm believer in women's rights, the only thing Afghan lawmaker Shinkai Karokhail finds as appalling as being forced to wear a burqa is a law banning it.

Now as someone who detests the idea that women should be forced to wear any particular item of clothing to please either their husband or God, I am not blind to the hypocrisy in banning women from wearing it.

"Democratic countries should not become dictatorships and Muslim women should not be deprived from all kinds of opportunities. It should be their choice," said Karokhail.

"Otherwise, what is the difference between forcing women to wear a burqa and forcing them not to? It is discrimination."

However, there has to be a certain level of dress code when entering government or financial buildings, such as banks, for safety and security reasons. If I walked into a bank wearing balaclava then I'd rightly be forced to leave.

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