Monday, May 3, 2010

Creationism propaganda for children caught on camera

If someone taught children that the Holocaust didn't happen there would be uproar.
If someone taught children that contraception was evil and STIs were safer the media would have a field day.
If someone taught children that Gravity was a myth and jumping out of the window was safe, well...

So why are we letting these guys get away with this? It should be against the law to lie like this to children.

Just because something is easier to explain doesn't make it fact. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make the alternative true, and to piss all over your child's opportunity to understand something you were unable to do, well that just messed up.

Why are we in 2010 having to fight these people on something that has a proven, tried and tested answer time and time again?

Please someone, help me.

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