Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is your theological stance on the idea of God?

I created a poll when I first started this Blog but some people have asked what they mean, so here are the simple explanations of each one.

Theist - Believes in a God that Created and Interferes in the world (listens to prayers)

Deist - Believes in a God that Created but doesn't interfere in the world

Pantheist - Believes that God is the world and the universe, not something that created it or interferes.

Atheist - Believes that there is no God and only the physical world we can see and prove. Some also think that Pantheists are really just spiritual atheists :P

I hope that helps :)

UPDATE: Atheist - Believes there are no deities, but can also mean the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.


  1. I don't think your definition of 'atheist' is correct. Certainly an atheist believes no god exists, but there's no requirement that an atheist is a hardline physicalist, believing only in a physical world. I take it David Chalmers is a notable example of an atheist dualist:

  2. I think the term Atheist/Atheism generally means the lack of belief in a God. However, it is also used to encompass a number of different views on a world without a Gods. I will update my one-sided definition though. Thanks.
