Monday, June 21, 2010

BP Oil fiasco rendered using Unreal Engine

If you are of the type of the gamer who actually keeps abreast with daily world news besides gaming then you should not be a stranger to the BP Oil fiasco. According to reports, the amount of oil spilling in to the Gulf of Mexico stands at 25,000 barrels a day. Now how much is that in terms of quantity one might ask? We have got the answer for that. We got a video from Youtube which uses the Unreal Engine to render 25,000 barrels. Check it out, its pretty interesting.

Mass physics demonstration I rendered in the UDK, simulating 25,000 barrels stacked around a pillar 15,000 feet high, and then group by group falling to the ground.

I accomplished this by using the UDK to construct the setup and then running the benchmark shortcut command to render the scene.


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