Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Saving Africa’s Witch Children

I hope that focusing the whole world on Africa during this years FIFA World Cup it will be to show the world some of the horrors that still take place in this very underprivileged continent.

Infuriating, sad, and heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. These kids in villages across Nigeria are beaten, tortured, burned, starved, and murdered because some idiot religious figure deemed them witches. If they’re lucky they’re merely abandoned. National religious figures in Nigeria are getting rich selling the child witch panic by producing gruesome videos and anointing local bishops with witch-detecting power (for a fee, of course). I’ve never been moved by a documentary to immediately write a check. I wrote one last night to an organization called the Children’s Right and Rehabilitation Network, which has established a sanctuary to care for the outcast kids.

Read the article and watch a preview here

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