Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chew on this: thank cooking for your big brain

THE French have elevated it to an art form, and even the British have got better at it - but chimps can't cook at all. According to one controversial evolutionary theory, early humans developed a taste for cooked food around 2 million years ago, and this set in motion a series of changes that made us utterly different from any other animal.

Now the proponents of the cooked-food hypothesis are presenting fresh evidence in support of the idea - and it all comes down to how you chew.

The theory, championed by Richard Wrangham at Harvard University, has divided palaeoanthropologists. In an attempt to convince the doubters, Wrangham and his colleagues have been amassing empirical evidence, including evolutionary adaptations consistent with a diet of heated food, such as the small size of our guts.

At the Evolution 2010 conference in Portland, Oregon, at the end of June, Christopher Organ of Harvard and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, presented what he and Wrangham say is the best evidence yet that we are adapted to eating cooked food, and that this is the result of events that occurred early on in human evolution.

Read the Article

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