Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Responsibilities

As some of you may know I live in Australia, and recently Australia elected an new Prime Minister. Well actually, she took over leadership of the Labour party which was already in power, so wasn't actually elected by the general public.

Regardless of the how, Julia Gillard is now the Prime Minister of Australia. She is also an Atheist.

So, today on the radio, the presenter asked the audience to call in and discuss what they thought about having an Atheist leader in power.

Obviously, the only individuals who could be arsed to call up and give the presenter their 2cents where those religious types who were most angered by this "heathen" being in charge of the country.

Naturally it got me thinking, and not just about the obvious desire for a separation of church and state, but more about responsibilities.

If I am honest I could probably handle a leader any person of faith being in charge, although perhaps with the exception of a Scientologist, if that person was able to improve the standard of living for the majority of people and beast within Australia.

However, it is refreshing to have a person in charge of this large political boundary who understands that their sole responsibility is to better the lives of those who live within that boundary, and who understands they are only accountable to the Australian people and herself, and not to something that be seen, heard, felt, tasted or tested to exist such a God.

That is one of my main arguments against religion; if you are religious, and I don't mean you believe there is a god, but if you are religious then you are at the mercy of the infallible laws of your religion. To the reasonable mind this is scary enough considering they are often 2000 years old and we live in a modern society, and thats before we even read the contents of those laws.

However, to some this can be comforting, because really you don't have to think for yourself, or worry about the hard questions. Unfortunately though it means you are not accountable for your actions, because you are only doing what it taught through that religion.

We as a species are so scared of the unknown that we fabricated wonderful bargaining superstitions that will allow us to avoid the cull of death and go on to a wonderful netherworld if we follow the rules set by a bronze age religious priests and priestesses. We need only say sorry and we are allowed in through the pearly gates.

Of course that's a wonderful prospect, but there isn't any evidence for an afterlife so why worry about getting there. We know for a fact that we are here right now, so this is what must be most important; the betterment of the people beside and around you.

What makes the opposition of an atheist in charge is that nowhere on earth can the benefits of secularism in power be so clearly demonstrated than in Australia. The Early Christian's bigoted view that the "savage" Aboriginal Australian's must be civilized by educating them about the wonder of their own European god meant they set up churches all over the outback. When the Aboriginal communities continued to celebrate their native culture the church forcefully removed the Aboriginal Australian children away from their parents so that they can not only educated the children about God, away from their "savage" ancestry, but to "breed the black out of them".

Here is a clear example that by following the views of a religious mind, who believes wholeheartedly that they are doing the work of God, they cannot see how bigoted their life view really is and can accumulated to the attempted mass genocide of one of the oldest civilizations on earth.

If this wasn't bad enough, we need only look at the bible to see that it is the most appalling guide to the correct ethical treatment of our fellow human beings. It clearly states in the bible that rape and slavery are excepted; if you don't believe me please look at the Scripture Project linked on my favourite online reads list.

These facts enough should make the prospects of having a keen secularist and atheist in charge of the country to be a relief not a cause for concern.

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