Monday, August 30, 2010

At Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth

WASHINGTON — An enormous and impassioned crowd rallied at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this weekend, summoned by Glenn Beck, a conservative broadcaster who called for a religious rebirth in America at the site where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech exactly 47 years earlier.

“Something that is beyond man is happening,” Mr. Beck told the crowd, in what was part religious revival and part history lecture. “America today begins to turn back to God.”

The rally organized by Mr. Beck, a Fox News broadcaster who has been sharply critical of President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats, had been attacked as dishonoring the memory of Dr. King by being set on the anniversary of his speech. Despite Mr. Beck’s protestations, his event and a much smaller and mainly black counter-rally seemed to underscore the country’s racial and political fissures.

Critics have suggested that Mr. Beck was trying to energize conservatives for the midterm elections in November. Mainstream Republican leaders remain skittish about the group emerging on their right — and the influence it displayed in primary elections Tuesday — and had little to say about the Beck event.

But in an interview aired Sunday, Mr. Beck denied any political motivation — or political aspiration — and shrugged off conservatives’ suggestions that his ability to mobilize so large a crowd made him presidential material.

“There’s nothing we can do that will solve the problems that we have and keep the peace unless we solve it through God,” he told “Fox News Sunday.”

Read the Article


  1. This guy is an idiot, i seriously do not understand why he would organize a right wing (white) rally on the steps of Lincoln Memorial and then actually justify it by saying that he's actually making the speech a few steps down from where Martin Luther King made his speech. It is just plainly stupid he really is a moron and i bet Sarah Palin was in the crowd as well.

  2. While broadcaster Glenn Beck's rally isn't billed as a political event, Palin says voters must reject calls to "fundamentally transform America." Instead, she says "we must restore America."

    Palin, whose son served in Iraq, says the country is at a perilous moment.

  3. Its a political rally in my opinion as religion is a fundamental platform of certain Republican candidates... they've been making a big deal of it over here on Fox News and have been mentioning him in the same category as all of the tea party crazies in their absurd attempt to somehow make people believe that they may be doing some good instead of blaming George Bush's failings on Obama. Some people honestly believe they would be better going back to their puritan ways, i guess even Plato and Aristotle saw religion as one of the greatest ways to influence a population and keep them in line. I hope however we have moved on.... obviously some people in the U.S believe as a human race we have not.
