Monday, August 9, 2010

Is it a turn off if you find out someone believes in god?

This morning I was reading my usual websites and catching up on a little news, after a weekend of running the City2Surf competition and drinking excessively afterwards, and I came across this little questions on one of my favourite sites and I thought I'd share it with you:
Recently I met a guy online who I liked. We got into a discussion about god and it became pretty obvious that he didn't believe in any kind of higher power. Soon after finding out I do, he stopped replying to my messages. Now I might be completely wrong about why he stopped messaging me, but it made me think: Is it really such a big of a turn off?
I'd be interested to hear of anyones thoughts on the matter. For me personally I think I genuinely could not form a romantic relationship with someone who believed that God was looking out for them. I'm too opinionated and wouldn't be able to let the topic drop, for that is a flaw of mine.

However, there was probably a more reasonable response that I'll also share with you, but I'd love to know your opinion on the subject too.

No, believing in a higher power isn't a turn-off for me. However things like:
  • Young-Earth creationism
  • Denial of the scientific method as a self-correcting and objective way to ascertain the nature of Reality
  • Inability to argue logically
  • Inability to entertain a notion without agreeing to it
  • Inability to question one's beliefs
  • Inability to grant the possibility that one is wrong about the existence or nonexistence of God
Those things are turn-offs for me. I wobbled between being an atheist, a theist, and a deist all while dating a Christian girl. Only broke up because she had trouble not fucking another guy.
I know... I know. I thought that too.

So anyone else have any other thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I do understand where you're coming from on that one mike, as an atheist i would find it hard to go out with someone who was religious. Probably because i know how strongly i feel about religion i just wouldnt be not talk about it
