Wednesday, April 28, 2010

8: The Mormon Proposition

Some interesting questions are raised in an up and coming documentary about the Gay Marriage Bill in California and how the people behind the Mormon faith was able to have it removed 6 months later.

Created by several disaffected members of the Mormon Church who are gay, it lays blame for the passage of California’s Proposition 8 squarely upon the Mormon Church. According to the makers of the film, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has spent the last three decades engaged in a vendetta against gays, employing evil “secret combinations” among its members in LDS temples to effect the trashing of gay rights. This venomous film production employs every possible lie to portray the Mormon Church as an oppressive and evil money machine.

I honestly do not understand how people can see homosexual marriage as a threat to anything. They make it to this huge horrible debate, when we should be focusing on much more important things like world poverty and genocide. Its so pathetic.

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