Thursday, April 29, 2010

Majority of Israel's Jews back gag on Human Rights

Oh to be a Jew. This interesting article by an Israeli Newspaper explains that the majority of Israelis believe it is ok to stop human rights organisations from doing their job if it exposes bad stuff done by Israel. If its a majority vote is it ok, or is that democracy gone crazy? Democrazy?

More than half of Jewish Israelis think human rights organizations that expose immoral behavior by Israel should not be allowed to operate freely, and think there is too much freedom of expression here, a recent survey found.

The survey, commissioned by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University, will be presented Wednesday at a conference on the limits of freedom of expression.

The pollsters surveyed 500 Jewish Israelis who can be considered a representative sample of the adult Jewish population.

We would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky kids at Amnesty International.

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