Monday, May 10, 2010

America is Not a Christian Nation

Regardless what you hear from the Americans living below the bible belt, America was founded by people trying to escape the religious oppression of the "Old World". America's beloved Founding Father's vision for the New World was one that was totally secular, and where the freedom's pf its people were of the utmost importance.

Having faith in the divine is not the issue here. Whether you believe in Jesus, Mohammed and/or Moses doesn't bother me in the slightest. There are still people who believe that the power of the seance, or the Ouija Board, and these people don't bother me half as much as religious types.


Well, mystics and spiritual healers also don't try to impose these unprovable practices in a political arena.

You're not going to find someone who says that the answers to the big questions in life, or where to find a moral structure on how to live our lives can be found in their Ouija board, and that these methods should be taught in schools.

The extract below if from an interesting article for anyone who is interested American politics / historyby Phil Plait of Discover Magazine.
The problem tends to come in when some religious people try to impose their religion on others. If you go through my posts on religion, you’ll find that this is where I tend to step in. Want to teach creationism in the classroom? Uh uh. Want to oppress women? Sorry, fella. Think abstinence-only education works and you should get government grants to teach it? Keep it in your own pants, please.

The problem is amplified by the fact that pretty much every religion tends to think of itself as the One True Belief. And when they get some political clout, things get very itchy indeed. Or have we already forgotten what the Taliban did to the Buddhas of Bamyan?

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